This is the information that I received from our pastor's wife this morning....
"Jack is currently resting in ICU at Children's Hospital of Alabama. George and Kristen met with the neurosurgeon this morning and were faced with this information. Let me give you the information and then guide you on how to pray.
This afternoon they are going to perform an MRI to better locate and understand the mass. Surgery is being scheduled for tomorrow. Jack is currently experiencing hydrocephalitis (?sp?) which is fluid on the brain because of the mass or masses I should say. He has a rather large fluid filled cyst on the right temporal lobe and there is also a tumor on that same lobe. The cyst is causing the majority of the pressure and the fluid to surround the brain. This fluid and swelling is not allowing spinal fluid to drain and flow properly and that is what is causing the vomiting along with other malfunctions (lethargy, etc.). The surgery is going to be an effort to remove both the cyst and the tumor. Best case scenario is the removal of both providing relief for Jack and return to regular development for a 14 month old as the fluid begins to flow correctly again. Other scenarios that could occur, the "restart" of the proper fluid flowing through the brain could cause stroke like symptoms and possible damage. This damage would require additional surgery.
So as you pray, pray for Jack during the MRI today as he will have to be restrained and still for the pictures. Pray for sleep through this procedure so that Mommy will not have to watch him panic. Pray for the MRI to be clear so that the doctors will have a clear picture of what they are actually dealing with on such a tiny patient. Pray for rest for the doctor tonight so that his hands will be steady as he performs a delicate and complicated procedure. Pray for rest for George and Kristen as they await the upcoming procedure and watch their child helplessly. Pray for the two masses. Pray they shrink to where the fluid begins to flow again and the stroke like symptoms will not be a worry. Pray for a 100% successful removal of the two masses leaving Jack a healthy and happy baby. Pray for the cyst not to rupture now or during surgery. Pray for the anesthesiologist to administer the right amount of medication for Jack. Pray for the nurses to love him like their own. Pray for the entire family as they wait. Waiting is the hardest part of this as many of you have experienced first hand. Pray for their patience with each other and with other people. Pray for compassion. Pray for wisdom. Pray for a MIRACLE! Pray!"
Again, PLEASE PLEASE pray for this precious child.
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